Fall is Here!

I can not believe how cold it is getting! Alot has changed over the last 3 or so months. First of all, Julio is living in PEI. The computer game industry in London is having trouble and he has been through several transitions. However, the final transition is far away. If he wants to stay in his feild, we have to move. So, he was offered a Senior position with a company in Charlottetown, PEI. He left last week to start work. He says its incredibly beautiful there and I cant wait to see it. Meanwhile, the kids and I are staying here until the house sells. It just went on the market so im hoping and praying it sells quickly. Its a bit crazy now, but we keep in touch with Julio by talking with him every night on Windows messenger webcam. I have no pics to post right now as Julio took the camera with him. Maybe he can post some from PEI.

With Love, the Ceron family.

Keanan's 9th Birthday

Keanan turned 9 yrs old on June 4th. We celebrated it a day later on a Friday evening. The theme was Olympics. They did threw water balloons at targets, kicked the soccer ball into the net, and Obstacle course at the park. For the awards ceremony, they got to hit a pinata for their prizes and we passed out awards. Everyone won for something. His cake was a home made Mario Olympics cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEANAN!

Crazy Car Rally

Our Most recent ward activity was a car rally. We got to pick a name ( we were the Lens losers)
The idea was to drive around and take a picture of as many items on your list as quickly as you can. There was a 2 hour limit. Well, needless to say, we got every single item and 1 hour and 10 minutes. So the Lens's losers became the lens winners- haha. Infact, we got back to the church and no one was there, so we took the list of teams with the cell phone numbers and called them all to harass them.. yeah, I know- not nice but OH SO Fun!
Just a few of the items we found. WE used word play to our advantage.....
1. A street with the Letter A- our street is ALSTON Rd, Julianna posing.
2. Person with Red Hair
Person with Sunglasses--- I had both so we got 2 items with one shot.
Red Brick House--our own house
5. Tree with Apple Blossoms--Our front yard tree
Dog with short tail--our dog
7. Boy with hat--Elijah
8. A bridge---We could have drove around to take a picture of a bridge but Julianna did a pose called the "Bridge" hahah
9. Man with Earring-- Yes, that's ,my earing and Julio is in pain
10. A smiling Baby- we took a picture of a picture of Julianna as a baby
11. Refriend Beans- We went into walmart. Also found rice cooker, horse and red barn( toy version) and Train track ( toy)

Julio is a CANADIAN!

Well, it's been over 2 years sense Julio applied to become a Canadian, finally it a done deal! He had to take a test( he probably knows more about Canada than the average Canadian). Then he had to go to a ceremony to take an oath etc. It was a good experience.

Waiting for the ceremony to start
The Kids got to go up to sing "O Canada" It's Official! Julio with Mayor, Judge, and RCMP officer

What are we up to now?

It's been a busy couple months! We enjoyed all the parties associated to New years celebrations and we ate a lot of treats! Kids went back to school January 5th, which we were ALL happy about. Leilani got to be leader at school one day and Elijah and I had the priveladge of going to see her in action. We spent the morning in her class.

It was Elijah's Birthday on February 9th,( Monday) but we celebrated it Sunday because weekdays are really busy. We made him a Mario Olympics cake( his favorite game). He got a Mario remote control go cart, a Cars remote car and some small Mario figurines.

We have been busy with work and play.

Amie has been promoted to Kinesis Manager at the gym which is FINALLY OPENING THIS WEEKEND!!! Aside from that she teaches spin class, group power class, the Kinesis group training and have personal training clients. We went to an open house there and took some pictures.

Julio meanwhile is Frustrated with his boss but still enjoys what he does. Unfortunately, there are only 3 studio's in London so there isn't much to choose from work wise. I guess we are just happy he has a job when so many places are closing down now- the big R word.

Anyways, that's our updated for now. I will post some pics when I can get them onto the computer.

Happy Valentines day to everyone and Happy Belated Birthday to Christa, and Happy Birthday to Craig and Brent!

Christmas Day!

The kids were apparently good this year... Thank goodness for Santa Claus, the Dollar store, Grandpa and Grandma--!!

Julianna likes Highschool musical and girl type stuff, Keanan likes Indiana Jones and Games, Leilani is kind of between stages and all Elijah wanted was a Thomas Train track and table.

So we made a table for him for under $30 and got a train set for about $30- What a great gift at such a great price! Needless to say, he was cery excited about it.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year.

Christmas Parties

There seemed to be a lot of parties going on this season. We had a ward Christmas party that we were asked to make a pinata for. This was our first time making one and it was VERY messy! We one a gift certificate for making it though so that made it all worth it!

When we were at the party, the primary kids were asked to do a Nativity. I was behind the curtains prompting them...It was CRAZY! Leilani was Mary, Keanan was a Shepard and Julianna an Angel---hahaha!

We also attended a Spanish Christmas party were we did Spanish dancing- it was really great!
Of Coarse Santa made an appearance!